Join a Group Planner Session
In The INcourager Planner Group Session you will bring awareness to your thoughts without self-judgement by INterruption and learn how to reduce negative headspace. This is the beginning to toning your mind and compassionate living!
Duration: 30-45 Min Price: Included with Planner Purchase
Class Size: 25 Max Session Days: Saturday
1:1s with The INcourager
In The INcourager 1:1 Session you will begin gaining INsight of your thoughts and stretching your emotional core. You’ll begin to filter your thoughts based off your values. The INcourager will help you unpack the Why behind thoughts, learn meditation and mindfulness!
Frequency: Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly Duration: 1hr
Session Days: Varies Price: $100
Corporate Workouts
The INcourager On-Site & Virtual Corporate Session brings your benefit program to life. Learn how to manage thoughts and emotions and accept change to help them begin INcouraged living at work and at home. We customize your workout based on your needs and goals. We also offer workouts specific to Women, African Americans and Leadership. Level up your organization, create a collaborative environment and increase productivity with The INcourager!